Seven Reasons You Shouldn't Buy Local Ceramics

Seven Reasons You Shouldn't Buy Local Ceramics

I may have lost you just from the title. You are thinking, wait, this guy is a potter. What on earth is he on about? Well, just hear me out. I think I have a few good points to make. 7 in fact.

  1.  Ceramics last waaaay to long. These hand made pieces of art are usually made to last. Once you click order, you are stuck with that piece for a long long time. Timeless functional art that just never leaves, what a drag.
  2. Not exotic, buying local ceramics mean they have not come from a far off land. A magical place like Paris, Bali or Treasure Island. They have simply come from a small, tinny local artist down the road. Most likely just made in a shed or home studio. Booooring
  3. Ceramics are always used for family events like Christmas dinner, BBQs, or even flowers for birthdays and anniversaries. They are always around during important times. Always there creating memories. Problem is, every time you look at the ceramics years later, they remind you of all the good times you had with loved ones.
  4. One of a kind. Each piece is handmade and unique. No way to just replace it. I mean, come on. Now I have to actually look after this thing?
  5. They don't just serve a purpose. Handmade ceramics are often drowned in creative energy. You can just tell someone has had fun making them. Some artist cooking up all sorts of cool creative ideas. Making things look awesome and fogging them of to strangers. Like, get a real job mate
  6. They often come with inspiring stories, the journey in which the art was made. Some weird named piece the potter named after his dog or daughter. Like, come on mate, just give me the vase not ya life story. Who has time for that crap
  7.  And finally, the most important reason to NEVER buy local ceramics. You would be supporting the little guy. Nothing would go to the big fella's. How are they meant to survive if everyone did this? And don't even get me started on the no packaging thing. Turtles need straws or how would they drink?

Anyway, rant over. I hope this makes you think twice next time you decide to purchase ceramics from some weird local artist


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